Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)

The Classical Karst, that is: the region giving its name to that geologically form! Of course, Slovenia and the Triest region is a must for every serious caver. Like so many did before, we made the trip over the alps in the Land of caves. To prerecord: We add Triest to the Karst area, because -hoiw so often - the borderline is not given by nature. An indeed Triest (the Slovenians call it Trst) was former part of Slovnia.

First thing we observed: Slovenia is a very beautiful and various country. In the north, some kind of familiar looking Austria-Bavarian culture (indeed it belonged to Austria for a long time) mixed with balcan traditions. In the south one can "smell" mediterran / italian influences (obviously Triest belongs to Italy). Particularly the capital Lublijana is really recommended. And: everywhere forest, forest, forest and sinkholes, sinkholes, sinkholes! Under the surface of Slovenia (europes country with the highest % of forest) are qat least 9600 caves! Among them the "MOther of all public caves": the caves of Postojna. Typically, most caves in the Karst artea (outside of the Julian alps) are t-shaped: deep entrance pits up to 300m, which leads into big galleries with enormous halls. Most of these caves are rich in formations and often also mud! Once in a while, the caver is pleased to find an animal species in cave waters, which lives only in the Slovenian Karst: the proteus anguinus (olm)!


Planinska Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
Planinska jama (The Planina cave), one of the longest Slovenian water caves (>6,5 km), is a huge gallery of the subterranean Unica River.Five hundred meters from the entrance into the cave, a confluence of two underground rivers can be observed: Pivka River, which flows from Postojna cave, and Rak River, which flows from Rakov Skocjan.This is the largest confluence of subterranean rivers in Europe.Entrance into the cave is on the southwestern part of Planina polje.A visit of the cave is generally only possible with local guides - which provide the boats necessary for a visit.At the end of the active river, an old dry gallery is worth visiting - the so called "paradise" - coming up with very beautiful formations.Conclusion: definitely worth visiting!.
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Zelske Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Najdena Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Stota Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Vranja Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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B. Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Martinska Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Janicija Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Jama Na Meji

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Skamprlova Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Jama P.

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Niko. Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Rebceva Jama

Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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Klassischer Karst (Slowenien)
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