Cabrespine, Gouffre Geant du

The Gouffre Geant de Cabrespine, or Lo Gaugnas, is the largest cave system in the Montagne Noir in the department of Aude. The large shaft is designed as a huge show cave. However, the almost 23 km of river course is not. After an impressive 250-deep shaft (supposedly one of the largest cavities in Europe), it leads into a huge underground river course. After a few kilometers of amazement, you can ascend to the Reseau Superieur, where you will find some unique and breathtaking sinterings. Crystal pools, macaroni of rare length, clusters of aragonite and the unique "pastis pourer" as well as the yellow crystal bowls. Of course, access to this cave is extremely strictly regulated and two local HöFos must accompany you at all times.