Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard

The south of France or Midi is considered as being the biggest wineyard on the world. As this fact counts not enough for a visit - this area is like a sponge. Numerous caves can be found under the huge lime plateaus and small hills. Among them, there are one of the most beautifullest caves on earth! The area, or the region of Languedoc-Roussillion in special, is basically composed of the departments Gard, Herault, Aude and East Pyrenées. Amazing and beautiful medieval villages, castles and towns can be found here - amongst them the the biggest medieval city in the world: Carcassonne. Vegetation, climate and foodstuff are delightfully Mediterranean - and everything is trumped by the almost endless wineyards.
Every 100 m along the road, signs draw the attention to possible tastings! Don't miss them!.

The caves are either in the southern hills of the Grands Causes, the so called "Montagne Noir" or the northern premountains of the Pyrenees and offer everything what the caver desrires.
But the most spectacular thing about the caves in this region is the enormous and really breathtaking existence of aragonit and calcite formations and crystalls. This results of the irelatively high temperatures, to the organic acids of the vegetative soil cover as well as the composition of the rocks.
Definitely worth visitng after having established good contacts to local cavers! Most of this jewels of the underground are closed and quite well guarded!


Grotte dans les Montagnes Noir

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
The Grotte de Poussellieres in the Herault is one of the most beautiful in France.Access is closed and access is extremely strictly regulated.The cave is characterized by an outstanding wealth of aragonite.
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VdA, Trou des

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
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Cabrespine, Gouffre Geant du

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
The Gouffre Geant de Cabrespine, or Lo Gaugnas, is the largest cave system in the Montagne Noir in the department of Aude.The large shaft is designed as a huge show cave.However, the almost 23 km of river course is not.
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Castanviels, Aven de

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
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Ecossaises, Grotte des

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
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Quelque part dans l'Herault

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
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Clamouse, Grotte de la

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
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Esquirol, Aven

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
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Asperge, Grotte de l

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
We have seen and photographed it!
The "blue grotto".Not the one near Capri, so called because of the blue seawater - but the one in the south of France, which is adorned with blue aragonite crystals.
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Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
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Rautely, Grotte de

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
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Lapiaz 3, Aven du

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
Small shaft cave in the Herault gorge near Laroque.The view from the approach and the entrance over the river valley is beautiful.A P15 and P45 lead down into a spacious passage and a richly mineralized ellipse.
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Grotte du Sergent

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
The Grotte du Sergent near Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert is a classic "initiation speleo" cave.Easy to reach, easy to navigate and not much to break! But still a great experience with beginners or children.
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Grotte de Calles

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
At just under 15 km, the Reseau de la Tessone is now the second longest in the Gard department.Even if the part accessible to non-divers is only 3.7 km long.
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Fouillac, Aven de

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
After a beautiful 18 m deep shaft, you land on a large pile of blocks, which leads into a huge hall.In principle, the whole cave consists of just this one room, which is by no means short due to its size and decoration.
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Grelot, Aven du

Midi - Herault, Aude, Gard
Already the approach to the Montagne de la Seranne is beautiful! What's less beautiful is finding the entrance! It took us some time and we even had to cross the garrigue.But we finally found the small entrance - and it was worth it.
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