Switzerland. An island with many mountains. In the middle of Europe and yet somehow the only foreign country that still exists in Europe (maybe beside UK). But this aside, the country is undoubtedly beautiful: the highest mountains, the most beautiful lakes, the longest glaciers, the world's best canyons (in Ticino). Once you are used to the high prices and incredible slow traffic, you can start out as a caver. Switzerland also plays in the world's first league when it comes to caves. Only recently the Hölloch passed the 200 km, which makes it one of the longest caves on the world. The Reseau Sieben Hengste is also more than 150 km and the Bärenschacht over 80 km. Numerous karst areas in the Pre-Alps (mostly in the Schrattenkalk) reach considerable dimensions and depths of well over 1000 metres. Another important karst region is found in the Swiss Jura, which is similar to its French counterpart. Most regions of the Central and High Alps, on the other hand, consist of granite or gneiss and are not showing any karst - but are suitable for mountain climbing or canyoning.